
15 health benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its various different names such as the medical aloe, burn plant, lily of the dessert, and elephant’s gall. The word “Aloe” actually comes from the family of succulents that the Aloe Vera comes from. The Aloe Vera is believed to have originated 6000 years ago from the country Sudan.

The plant naturally grows in dry, and warm climates such as the countries Africa, India, and other Middle Eastern countries. The Aloe Vera has been used as a medicinal plant for hundreds of years in dozens of countries such as Greece, Egypt, China, Philippines, Japan and much more.

Different parts of the plant are widely known to have different beneficial properties for the body, both, both internally and externally. It is most famous as an important nutrient for taking care of our hair and being added to different beverages. Here are 15 health benefits of the Aloe Vera as proven by science!

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1. The Aloe Vera Can Prevent Dental Plaque Buildup

An unhealthy oral hygiene or unchecked oral health can lead to various gum and tooth diseases. Reducing the buildup of plaque in our teeth is one of the best ways to prevent this from happening.

In a research done in 2014, the researchers compared the effectivity of Aloe Vera Juice to the standard mouthwash chlorhexidine by asking 300 healthy participants to split into two groups. Each group was then asked to try either one of the two alternatives.

After 4 days of the experiment, the Aloe Vera mouth rinse and the chlorhexidine mouthwash were reported to have no significant difference when it comes to promoting oral health and fighting plaque. Many other types of research also have the same result thus supporting the belief that Aloe Vera can promote good oral health. (6)

Key Takeaway: If you find commercial mouthwashes to be very expensive and unaffordable, using Aloe Vera Juice can be just as effective to prevent the buildup of plaque on your teeth.

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2. Aloe Vera Helps With Your Digestive System

A weak and unhealthy digestive system is related to many diseases. A strong and functioning digestive system is one of the important foundations of health. The Aloe Vera is used to smoothen and cleanse the digestive tract and help boost digestion. The amazing thing about using Aloe Vera internally is that it helps with both constipation and diarrhea.

The Aloe Vera helps regulate your waste excretion cycles in many ways you may need. It has been widely used by people with irregular bowel movement or acid reflux. Aloe Vera also helps eliminate bad bacteria inside our gut which promotes a healthy digestive system. (1)

Research have also shown that the Aloe Vera has also been shown to have anti-parasitic and anti-microbial properties. It is considered purgative on parasites due to its various nutrients and components. (2)

Key Takeaway: If you have trouble in excreting stool, diarrhea, or parasites, the Aloe Vera can help you get rid of your troubles. The Aloe Vera contains components and nutrients beneficial for our gut health!

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3. The Aloe Vera Can Be Used To Promote The Healing Of Wounds

Aloe Vera is usually applied as a topical medication, meaning it is rubbed on the skin and other external body parts rather than taken in orally.The Aloe Vera has long been used for the treatment of particularly burns, sores, including sunburns.

Most notably, back in 1959, the Federal Drug Agency of the United States approved Aloe Vera as an over-the-counter or natural medication for skin burns. Studies suggest that it is an effective topical treatment for first- and second-degree burns.(3)

Multiple studies on Aloe Vera have found out that the application of Aloe Vera on wounds can accelerate the healing process by as much as 9 days, higher than other conventional medications. This is very important due to its applications to far fetch rural areas where first aid medications for a wound are inaccessible. (4)

Key Takeaway: The Aloe Vera has already been used by ancient doctors, especially the Chinese, in treating various diseases and ailments. However, special notice has been given by modern research on its topical applications. Indeed, the Aloe Vera can speed up healing.

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